Win Like Lily

Lily battles a mitochondrial disease. She was diagnosed back when she was about 16 months old. Since that time, Lily has been to Primary Children's ER 16 times (maybe more), the last being in Feb. '20.

Sept '18 was perhaps Lily's biggest challenge as she suffered a stroke as a result of having seizures. It took 9 weeks for her to make it back to East High, where she loves going to school and being with her friends.

Lily Finnigan 2

However, even with all her challenges, Lily still prevails and has one of the sweetest smiles in the world. We take daily walks in her "Extreme Motus" off-road wheelchair and we have been able to venture in the Wasatch Mountain trails, last summer making it all the way to Dog Lake in Millcreek Canyon!

Lily Finnigan

This is one tough kid, and we thank all the physicians at Primary Children's who have been part of "Team Lily"--with a special shout out to Dr. Nicola Longo!

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