Win Like Holly

On April 30th 2002 our daughter Holly Johnson was diagnosed with a “Wilm’s Tumor”, a childhood cancer in which a malignant tumor grows on a kidney(s). It consumed and destroyed her left kidney. Holly was admitted to Primary Children’s Hospital and on May 2nd she had surgery (Left Nephrectomy) to remove the tumor (and kidney) and a Central Line was inserted to administer chemotherapy to her.

Holly Johnson 1

She was given chemotherapy for five months and during that time we followed up with several specialists at Primary Children’s Hospital to help fix other complications. It was of course a scary, difficult time. We had a million questions about how to make life the best we could for her, to help her heal and to help our family have peace and understanding of it all through this trial. Our family was and will always be very grateful for the entire staff at Primary Children’s Hospital for the thorough care Holly received as well as the standard of care they presented for future visits.


Holly is now 22 years-old, she served an 18-month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she is currently attending Utah State University, is 100% cancer free and enjoying life to the fullest! #eighteenyearscancerfree #cancersurvivor

Stories on this site are shared with permission of the patient or their legal guardian.

Learn how our cancer services can help your child here.