When Brooklyn was eight weeks old, we found out that she had biliary atresia. It’s a disease where the bile ducts in the liver form scar tissue and are blocked so bile isn't able to get out of the liver. Brooklyn underwent a kasai procedure at 12 weeks old, which is where they attach the small intestine directly to the liver to allow for bile drainage. We spent a week in Primary Children's Hospital for this procedure and her recovery. It was such a scary time for us, with so many unknowns and fears.
It turned out Brooklyn's kasai procedure didn't work, so we were told she would need a liver transplant. We ended up in Primary Children's again a few weeks before Brooklyn turned six months old. We were told she wouldn't be going home without a transplant. We spent three weeks in the hospital waiting for her transplant to happen, and then three weeks after her transplant while she healed and became well enough to go home.
They took such good care of not only Brooklyn, but us as well. Everyone we met was so understanding and caring. They took the time to explain everything to us, and make sure we understood everything that was happening. They made us laugh, to help us take our minds off everything. And they listened, when we just wanted to talk. We couldn't have gotten through this without the amazing people at Primary Children's. It's an exceptional hospital with exceptional staff. We feel very lucky to live so close to Primary Children's Hospital and trust them completely with the care of any of our children. Brooklyn is now almost 16 years old, and doing great!
Stories on this site are shared with permission of the patient or their legal guardian.